Holy Mysteries or Sacraments
In the Eastern Church, we use the term Holy Mystery, as it is preferable in the context of the Eastern Rite. The mysteries, like the Church, are both visible and invisible. In every sacrament there is a combination of an outward visible sign with an inward spiritual grace.
The saving and sanctifying action of the Church is accomplished in seven Holy Mysteries. These are: Baptism, Chrismation, Eucharist, Repentance, Holy Anointing, Marriage and Orders. Through these sacred actions of the Church, Christ grants the grace of the Holy Spirit. Through these Mysteries the Church sanctifies the faithful on their journey to the fullness of life in Christ. Through visible signs (e.g., water, chrism, bread and wine, the laying on of hands) Christ builds up His Church in the Holy Mysteries…The external form of the rite and its material expressions are vital as they signify our deification and manifest the first fruits of transfigured nature. (#405 – Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church – Christ Our Pascha)

The early practice of the Eastern Church has been to celebrate the three sacraments –Baptism, Chrismation and Holy Eucharist or Mysteries of Initiation.
… through the prayers and sacred actions of the liturgical rite of each of these Mysteries, the Church leads the faithful into an understanding of the Mystery and perceiving it as a single, united action of God’s grace. This is why in the tradition of the Eastern Church, these three Holy Mysteries are celebrated together. (#408 – Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church – Christ Our Pascha).
The Mystery/Sacrament of Baptism and Chrismation should be arranged with the pastor several weeks in advance of the desired date. As you prepare for the birth of your child, remember to contact the Pastor when your child has been born and schedule an appointment. It is required that the parents and prospective godparents come together before the day of Baptism for instructions and preparation. Kindly phone Fr. Andriy to schedule an appointment at 973-471-9727.

In the Holy Mystery of Marriage, the Church blesses a man and woman called by Christ to create a “domestic Church” – a Christian family. (#407 – Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church – Christ Our Pascha)
Prior to selecting your reception venue and setting a definite date for the marriage, the couple needs to contact Fr. Andriy at least six (6) or more months before the marriage is to take place.
The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couples attend “Pre Cana” courses that are scheduled within the deanery.
It is necessary that the couple schedule an appointment with Fr. Andriy to discuss all matters related to the upcoming marriage and the legal requirements for a lawful marriage.

The Church is Apostolic. . . The apostolicity of the Church is realized in the ministry of bishops, priests, deacons, monastics and laity, who work together for the sake of salvation of the whole world. (#294 – Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church – Christ Our Pascha); The Mystery of Holy Anointing, received at the time of suffering and illness, is celebrated in order to strengthen our faith in Christ’s victory over sin and death. In Holy Anointing, God grants the grace to renew a person’s inter wholeness – their healing and further spiritual growth. (#465 – Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church – Christ Our Pascha)
DO NOT WAIT TO THE LAST MINUTE: In emergencies, please call Fr. Andriy directly on his mobile phone – 267-269-4990 if you or a family member, or someone you know who cannot attend church, is homebound, hospitalized or gravely ill and will need the Eucharist or the Anointing of the Sick.

In the Holy Mystery of Reconciliation (Confession), the Church actualizes the words of the Lord to the apostles: “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (Jn 20:22-23) (#450 – Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church – Christ our Pascha). On going repentance is not about focusing on one’s faults and offenses. It is first of all about discovering God’s love. (#454 – Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church – Christ our Pascha).
Confessions are heard regularly before all Divine Liturgies – Saturday evening, Sunday’s and Holy Days. For special needs, kindly phone for an appointment.